Exemplary Kinship Programs in Action
March 19, 2024

GRANDfamilies Kinship Care at Children’s Service Society of Utah
Kinship Care Project – Atlanta Legal Aid Society, Inc.
High Country Caregivers – North Carolina
View our Exemplary Programs List
Resources Shared During Webinar:
GRANDFamilies Kinship Care Sample Curriculum
Involving kin in decision-making
Resource Guides for Kin Caregivers and Those Who Work with Them
GrandFacts for each state, DC, Puerto Rico, several tribes, US Virgin Islands
Data sources for grandfamilies/kinship families
One of the goals of the Grandfamilies & Kinship Support Network: A National Technical Assistance Center (Network) is to designate and elevate exemplary kinship policies, practices, and programs implemented by state, tribal, and territorial government agencies and nonprofit organizations. We are leading this initiative so kinship service providers can learn from each other and support more kinship families around the country. View the webinar recording above to learn about some of the first programs that have been deemed exemplary by the Network that are:
- Serving kinship caregivers in rural communities
- Providing psychoeducational programming for caregivers and the children and youth they are raising
- Increasing legal representation to kin by partnering with and training volunteer attorneys
Explore the characteristics that make these programs so successful, such as caregiver assessment, caregiver engagement, and cross-system collaboration. Learn strategies and tips that can enhance your kinship services. Be inspired to start a similar program or “up your game” in serving kinship families in your own community.
Presenters/Exemplary Programs:
Alyssa Craven, GRANDfamilies Director, Grandfamilies Kinship Care at Children’s Service Society of Utah
Jacqueline Payne, Managing Attorney, Kinship Care Project – Atlanta Legal Aid Society
Marty Wilson, CFO/Program Director, High Country Caregivers