Kinship Peer Mentoring
Kinship peer mentoring can provide a sense of support and understanding to kin caregivers who wish to learn from someone who has experienced a similar caregiving situation.
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Kinship peer mentoring can provide a sense of support and understanding to kin caregivers who wish to learn from someone who has experienced a similar caregiving situation.
This primer was produced to offer service providers in public, private, nonprofit, and community-based organizations basic information about federal programs that can be used to finance kinship services and programs.
Formula grants are funds distributed to states, territories, tribes, local governments, or intermediary entities.
Discretionary grants are competitive grants usually awarded based on an application process.
Entitlements are a mechanism of federal funding provided based on the needs of eligible individuals, generally in the form of reimbursement to states, territories, tribes, and localities.
A block grant is a form of flexible funding provided to states, territories, tribes, or local governments to use for broad purposes.
Loans and loan guarantees are funds provided by federal agencies to finance specific projects and similar loans provided by private lenders that are guaranteed by federal agencies to reduce risk.
In-kind support is federal support provided in the form of goods and services, rather than funding.
This toolkit contains five actions for K-12 school professionals and kinship service providers to better support students and caregivers in kinship/grandfamilies.
This five-part toolkit contains outreach strategies for connecting with and supporting kinship/grandfamilies.