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Does Kin Caregiver Training Delivered to Different Groups and Through Different Methods Yield the Same Results?

September 11, 2024

Headshots of Dr. Joseph Crumbley and Dr. Angelique Day

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The Grandfamilies & Kinship Support Network hosted a webinar on September 11, 2024, to explore the findings of a trauma-informed kin caregiver training program, The Inherent Strengths In Kinship Families by Dr. Joseph Crumbley, which is being implemented in one state to assess the efficacy and utility of this intervention among a sample of formal kin caregivers (who are receiving the training as part of training licensure requirements) and an informal sample of caregivers who are participating in the training as part of a support group infrastructure.  This research is designed to understand how kin training can best be delivered to these different groups of kin caregivers in meaningful ways.  Informal caregivers often do not have access to the same resources as their formal kin caregiver counterparts.  This study will support the field in better understanding how we can develop kinship training equity, including how best to structure and deliver training content in ways that meet the needs of both of these important, but unique populations. 

Learning objectives:  

  • Participants will learn strategies on how to offer licensing training content to kin caregivers that is meaningful and relevant to meet their parenting needs 
  • Participants will learn about the utility of using support group infrastructures as a method to deliver kinship parenting training context 
  • Participants will gain information on how caregiver education can be structured in ways that acknowledge and meet the differing needs of formal and informal kin caregivers 


  • Dr. Joseph Crumbley, Family Therapist, Trainer & Consultant, and Grandfamilies & Kinship Support Network Subject Matter Expert 
  • Dr. Angelique Day, Associate Professor, University of Washington – Seattle, School of Social Work, and Grandfamilies & Kinship Support Network Subject Matter Expert 

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