The Important Role of Area Agencies on Aging and Title VI Native American Aging Programs in Serving Kinship/ Grandfamilies: Research, Resources, and Strategies for Success
Over 2.6 million U.S. children are raised by grandparents, other relatives or close family friends. Many Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) and Title VI Native American Aging Programs (Title VI programs) provide a variety of supportive services for kinship/grandfamilies.
The Grandfamilies & Kinship Support Network hosted a webinar on January 11, 2023, which highlighted new research that documents how AAAs and Title VI programs are helping these families. We heard from Area Agencies on Aging and Title VI programs about their successes in serving kinship/grandfamilies and why it’s important to develop and sustain programs to support these families.
Leland Kiang is a program manager at USAging. He oversees USAging’s role in in the Grandfamilies and Kinship Support Network: A National Technical Assistance Center
Child welfare and the Aging Network are two of the most critical systems serving kinship/grandfamilies. They often provide complementary, yet uncoordinated services, that could be…
This new request for exemplary kinship/grandfamilies applications welcomes the submission of practices that have anecdotal or empirical evidence of success.
Now in its 23rd year, Generations United’s 2025 Intergenerational Conference, will be held in Louisville, KY, and will bring together hundreds of kinship professionals and…