Within the continuum of kinship service provision, smaller and peer-led organizations play an important role in providing critical supports and resources to caregivers in their communities. While smaller and peer-led organizations are vital partners in an overall system of support for kinship/grandfamilies, they often face challenges with capacity building and financial sustainability.
During the webinar, founders of peer-led organizations who participated in a Grandfamilies & Kinship Support Network learning community shared what they learned and the progress they are making in building their organizational capacity.
This new request for exemplary kinship/grandfamilies applications welcomes the submission of practices that have anecdotal or empirical evidence of success.
Join us to explore newly compiled state data on TANF child-only grants, compiled by our partners at Child Trends, along with strategies and policies that states and tribes use to improve kinship/grandfamilies' access to this important support.
Generations United’s 2025 Intergenerational Conference, will be held in Louisville, KY, and will include a full-day preconference intensive on kinship and grandfamilies on June 25th, along with a full conference track on the families and programs, policies, and practices that support them.