Now in its 23rd year, Generations United’s 2025 Intergenerational Conference, will be held in Louisville, KY, and will bring together hundreds of kinship professionals and caregivers to learn, connect, and share innovative practices and programs on a range of intergenerational topics including kinship and grandfamilies. The Conference Planning Committee seeks proposals for educational sessions that will enhance the field’s capacity for developing practices, programs, and policies that support kinship and grandfamilies, and build more cohesive and caring communities around the world. Submit your proposal to present on successful and innovative kinship programs, practices, or research by December 20, 2024. View information about the Call for Sessions.
Nationwide, over two million grandparents are raising their grandchildren. Many other relatives and close family friends are also raising children whose parents are unable to…
This new request for exemplary kinship/grandfamilies applications welcomes the submission of practices that have anecdotal or empirical evidence of success.
Now in its 23rd year, Generations United’s 2025 Intergenerational Conference, will be held in Louisville, KY, and will bring together hundreds of kinship professionals and…