Unaccompanied Immigrant Children in Kinship Families
January 18, 2024

Supporting Kinship Families of Unaccompanied Immigrant Children
Immigrant Caregivers: The Implications of Immigration Status on Foster Care Licensure
Record numbers of unaccompanied immigrant children (UC) have been arriving in the United States in recent years and the majority of these children have been placed with kin. In 2022, over 128,000 children entered the U.S. with no lawful immigration status and no parent or guardian immediately available to provide care. Around 60% of these children were released into the care of sponsors who are kin, elevating the need for kinship programs to be aware of this special population.
The Grandfamilies & Kinship Support Network hosted a webinar on January 18, 2024 with presenters Emily Smith Goering, MSW, PhD and Iris Lopez, Casey Family Programs to discuss Unaccompanied Immigrant Children in Kinship Families. Please listen to the webinar recording to learn more!
Learn about these kinship families and the unique challenges they face. Explore opportunities to provide culturally relevant services to these families in your community. Consider ways to develop a program that is responsive to the growing number of children and youth entering the U.S. who will benefit from living with kin.
Our Presenters:
Emily Smith Goering, MSW, PhD
Iris Lopez, Casey Family Programs