The Grandfamilies & Kinship Support Network hosted a webinar on September 20, 2022, led by world-renowned kinship expert Dr. Joseph Crumbley, provided a framework describing the unique family dynamics of kinship families. Learn how to use this framework when engaging these families and developing kinship programs and services.
This webinar will help you:
• Understand how kinship care impacts and changes family roles, relationships, responsibilities, and interactions between family members and the triad (i.e., birth parent, birth child, and caregiver). • Identify how family dynamics in kinship families are different from those in non-kin foster and adoptive families, and the implications of these differences. • Formulate approaches to engage kinship families and develop services that utilize and support the dynamics of kinship families in providing children with safety and permanency and promoting their well-being.
Presenter: Dr. Joseph Crumbley is a nationally renowned kinship expert, with 38 years of experience in private practice as a family therapist, trainer and consultant. His clinical experience includes kinship, adoption, transracial adoption, foster care, chemical dependency, couples therapy, and physical/sexual abuse. He has provided training and consultation nationally and internationally and consulted with Spaulding for Children, Casey Family Programs, Casey Family Services, Annie E. Casey Foundation, Brookdale Foundation, the Child Welfare League of America and the Department of Health and Human Services. Dr. Crumbley is now retired conducting keynotes and speaking engagements and is serving as a Subject Matter Expert for the Grandfamilies & Kinship Support Network: A National Technical Assistance Center.
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