How to Build Capacity to Attract Funding for Smaller Kinship and Peer-Led Organizations
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Within the continuum of kinship service providers – including government agencies and other large community organizations – smaller, peer-led groups and organizations play an important role in ensuring caregivers receive access to needed support and resources. Many of those smaller organizations are led by kin caregivers. While smaller, peer-led organizations are vital partners in an overall system of support for kinship/grandfamilies, they often face challenges with financial sustainability.
In 2023 and 2024, the Grandfamilies & Kinship Support Network at Generations United piloted a small learning community of four kinship organizations. Their leaders received training, individualized support, and group coaching to increase the internal capacity of their organizations so that they could gain funding and better track their outcomes. This toolkit includes lessons learned from that learning community and provides insights for other organizations on what to focus on to leverage their data and increase their funding.