Kinship navigator programs offer information, referral, and follow-up services to kin caregivers to link them to benefits and services that can support them and the children they raise. Some of these programs are over twenty-five years old and provide robust case management, concrete goods, and other supportive services to the families, while others may be limited to information and referral.
Kinship navigator programs are most helpful when they serve all kinship families, regardless of child welfare involvement. However, because the majority of kinship families have no involvement with the child welfare system, it is particularly important to serve those outside that system.
Below please find a list of known kinship navigator programs, organized in alphabetical order by state and territory with tribes listed separately at the end. Each entry notes which families the program serves, in addition to providing basic service information and a website link.
These programs may or may not be operated through the jurisdiction’s title IV-E child welfare agency, which since 2018 has had access to federal funding to support these programs.
Federal Funding Support
Starting in 2018, two sources of federal child welfare funding became available to child welfare agencies choosing to operate or contract for the operation of a kinship navigator program. Despite funds going to the child welfare agency, these navigators can and should serve all kinship families regardless of child welfare involvement. In general, it is best practice for child welfare agencies to contract with trusted community nonprofits to run the programs. For a nonprofit provider of the jurisdiction’s approved kinship navigator program to access those funds, they must have a contract with the title IV-E agency.
Title IV-B Funds
A limited amount of Title IV-B child welfare funds have been available each year since 2018 on a non-competitive basis to any title IV-E child welfare agency that wants to develop, enhance, or evaluate a kinship navigator program.
Title IV-E Funds
Ongoing, uncapped title IV-E funding also is available to any title IV-E child welfare agency that operates a kinship navigator program that meets federal programmatic requirements and is found to be evidence-based by the Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse (Clearinghouse). These title IV-E funds are additional funds and will not impact the jurisdiction’s other child welfare funding priorities.
As of March 2025, six kinship navigator programs have been found to be evidence-based by the Clearinghouse and are eligible to obtain 50% federal reimbursement of all program, training, and administrative costs to run the program:
- Arizona Kinship Support Services
- Colorado Kinnected Kinship Navigator Program
- Kinship Interdisciplinary Navigation Technologically-Advanced Model (KIN-TECH™) – Florida
- Foster Kinship Navigator Program – Nevada
- Ohio’s Kinship Supports Intervention/ProtectOHIO
- Washington State Kinship Navigator Program
Title IV-E child welfare agencies that want to follow one of these models with fidelity rather than evaluating their own program can follow the guidance in ACYF-CB-PI-18-11 to submit a Title IV-E Plan Pre-Print Attachment XII and revise their cost allocation plan. Once the attachment has been approved by the Children’s Bureau at the US Administration for Children, Youth and Families and the jurisdiction’s cost allocation plan has been modified and approved, 50% of all allowable program, administrative, and training expenditures for the title IV-E kinship navigator program are federally reimbursable.
List of Kinship Navigator Programs
The six federally-supported kinship navigator programs are listed below, along with other kinship navigator programs that may not receive any of these federal title IV-B or title IV-E funds:
Kinship Navigator
Locations Served: Statewide (available services vary by county)
- Information and referral
- Emotional support for caregivers
- Case management
- Wraparound services (clothing assistance and funding for special activities)
- Peer-to-peer connection opportunities
Eligibility: Open to kinship families regardless of foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Website: https://navigator.alabama.gov
Volunteers of America Alaska Kinship Family Program
Locations Served: Statewide
- Monthly kinship connection groups
- Educational workshops
- Case management
- Financial assistance
- Social activities and events
- Access to a community pantry
Eligibility: Open to kinship families regardless of foster care or child welfare agency involvement; to enroll, caregivers can complete the program’s intake form
Website: https://voaak.org/services/kinship-family-program/
Arizona’s Children Association Kinship Support Services (AKSS)
Locations Served: Statewide (available services vary by location)
- Information and referral
- Educational opportunities
- School enrollment assistance
- Legal resource information
- Support groups
- Benefit application assistance
Eligibility: Open to kinship families regardless of foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Website: https://www.arizonaschildren.org/kinship/ (As of September 2024, this is one of six kinship navigator programs found by the Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse to have met one of its three evidentiary standards. This means the program can be federally reimbursed on an ongoing basis for 50 percent of its expenses.)
No information for a kinship navigator program.
California reports three kinship navigator programs:
California Department of Social Services Kinship Navigator
Locations Served: Statewide
- Services to support caregivers and young people to get connected to resources and services
- Resource library
- Virtual communication with Community Responders to take on the administrative work of accessing resources – doing the research, paperwork, and follow up necessary for caregivers to get resources
Eligibility: Open to kinship families regardless of foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Website: https://www.getvirtualsupport.org/app/
Lilliput Kinship Support Services Program
Locations Served: Antioch, Auburn, Chico, Citrus Heights, Martinez, Napa, Redding, Sacramento, Santa Cruz, Santa Rosa, Stockton, West Sacramento, and Woodland Counties
- In-home support
- Counseling
- Support groups
- Respite resources
- Information and referral
- Legal referrals
- Guardianship workshops and adoption assistance
- Family activities
- Play care
- Mentoring
- Assistance with basic emergency needs
Eligibility: Open to kinship families regardless of foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Website: https://www.lilliput.org/parents/kinship-services
San Diego YMCA Kinship Support
Locations Served: San Diego County
- Support groups in both English and Spanish
- Parenting education
- Childcare
- Respite
Eligibility: Open to kinship families regardless of foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Colorado Kinnected Kinship Navigator Program
Locations Served: Statewide
- placement/living arrangement with kinship caregivers
- efforts to reunify with parents
- a whole-family approach to prevent the need for future child welfare involvement
Eligibility: Limited to kinship families with open child welfare cases
Website: https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/cdhs/kinship-connection(As of September 2024, this is one of six kinship navigator programs found by the Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse to have met one of its three evidentiary standards. This means the program can be federally reimbursed on an ongoing basis for 50 percent of its expenses.)
The Children’s Community Programs of Connecticut Center for Kinship Services
Locations Served: Statewide
- Help navigating legal, financial, health, and educational services
- Case management
- Family-centered assessments
- Training
- Support group
- Consultation with local family therapists
- Family search and engagement
- Peer support
- Consultation and training for child welfare agency staff and policymakers
Eligibility: Open to kinship families regardless of foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Website: https://www.ccp-ct.org/center-for-kinship-services/
Department of Services for Children, Youth, and Their Families, Division of Family Services (DFS), Foster Care Program, Kinship Navigator Program
Locations Served: Statewide
- Kinship navigator program services provided via contract with Children’s Choice of Delaware, utilizing Florida’s KIN-TECH model
- Professional or peer navigators help caregivers access services and support. Examples include:
- Accessing Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Medicaid, and other financial services
- Counseling/therapy referrals
- Invitation to support groups
- Respite referrals
- Inter-Disciplinary Team, including the caregiver, works together to problem-solve complex issues and provides other referrals to public/private agencies for services needed by the caregiver
Full Eligibility: Referral by DFS caseworker, guardian ad litem, court-appointed special advocate, or others for:
- Formal Kinship Caregivers of children in DFS custody and placed by DFS with relative or fictive kin
- Voluntary Kinship Caregivers of children not in DFS custody but active with DFS and approved via Safety Assessment by DFS to live with relative or fictive kin with or without a Safety Agreement
Partial Eligibility: Self-referral or referral by someone else for:
- Informal Caregivers of children outside of the child welfare system for only information and referral services and support group services
Website: www.childrenschoice.org/delaware-programs
District of Columbia
Kinship Navigator
Locations Served: Districtwide
- Portal to apply for the Grandparent Caregiver Subsidy Program, the Close Relative Caregiver Subsidy Program, and Emergency Assistance
- Events calendar, which includes a caregiver support group
- Access to Unite Us, a plaform for accessing community support
Eligibility: Open to kinship families who are not involved with foster care or child welfare
Website: www.kinshipdc.org
Another program that may be available to help:
KinCare Alliance
Locations Served: Districtwide
- Legal representation
- Information and education for caregivers
- Assistance with obtaining and advocating for health and mental health care, substance use treatment, financial supports, and other support services for the whole family
Eligibility: Open to kinship families regardless of foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Website: https://www.dckincare.org/
Florida reports two kinship navigator programs:
Children’s Home Network
Locations Served: Hillsborough, Osceola, Orange, Pasco, Pinellas, and Seminole Counties
- In-home case management and navigation services
- Referral services
- Support groups
- Community collaborative meeting facilitation
- Local partnerships to support caregivers
Eligibility: Open to kinship families regardless of foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Website: https://www.childrenshomenetwork.org/kinship(As of September 2024, this is one of six kinship navigator programs found by the Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse to have met one of its three evidentiary standards. This means the program can be federally reimbursed on an ongoing basis for 50 percent of its expenses.)
Kids Central, Inc.
Locations Served: Citrus, Hernando, Lake, Marion, and Sumter Counties
- Support groups
- Legal services
- Intergenerational activities
- Resources – food, clothing, and household items
Eligibility: Open to kinship families regardless of foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Website: https://www.kidscentralinc.org/prevention-programs/kinship-care/
Kinship Navigator Program
Locations Served: Statewide
- Financial independence education
- Resources on the topics of legal services, mental health, medical care, education, housing, and childcare
Eligibility: Open to kinship families regardless of foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Website: https://dhs.georgia.gov/kinship-care-portal/kinship-navigator-program
No information for a kinship navigator program. Services that may help:
Catholic Charities Hawai’i Foster or Relative Placement Services
Locations Served: Statewide
- Information and referral
- Specialized foster care for infants and toddlers with special healthcare needs
- Monitoring and placement of children in foster or relative care across state lines
- Assessment, training, and licensing of child-specific resource families
Eligibility: Limited to kinship families with foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Website: https://www.catholiccharitieshawaii.org/foster-or-relative-placement-services/
Idaho Department of Health and Wellness Kinship and Caregiving Resources
Locations Served: Statewide
- Resource and navigation services
- Community resources on financial assistance
- Health and dental insurance
- Early childhood education
- Intervention services for disabled children
- Food assistance programs
- Legal services
- Support groups
- Assistance obtaining the Relative Caretaker or Grandparent (TAFI) grant
Eligibility: Open to kinship families regardless of foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Illinois Department of Children & Family Services Extended Family Support Program
Locations Served: Statewide
- Assistance obtaining guardianship
- School enrollment support
- Help navigating and accessing grants, entitlements, and other benefits
- Referrals to other services
- Cash assistance to obtain guardianship and meet child’s basic needs
Eligibility: Open to kinship families who are not involved with foster care or child welfare
Kinship Indiana Support Services
Locations Served: Statewide
Services: Information and referrals only
Eligibility: Open to kinship families regardless of foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Website: https://www.indianafostercare.org/s/kinship-indiana-support-services
No information for a kinship navigator program. Services that may help:
Iowa Foster and Adoptive Parents Association Kinship Resources
Locations Served: Lin and Johnson Counties
- In-home services
- Parent education
- Support groups
- Community resource referrals
Eligibility: Open to kinship families regardless of foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Website: http://ifapa.org/resources/kinship_resources.asp
Iowa Families First Counseling Services Kinship Resources
Locations Served: See Office Locations
- Needs assessment
- Development of kinship care plans with action steps
- Caregiver safecare education
- Support groups
- Assistance accessing supplemental resources, such as food assistance, childcare assistance, Family Investment Program (FIP), medical insurance, and legal aid
Eligibility: Open to kinship families regardless of foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Website: https://www.families-first.net/services/kinship-resources
Kansas Family Advisory Network Kinship Navigator Program
Locations Served: Statewide
- Family support services
- Budget education and planning
- Parent education
- Accompaniment in court
- Paperwork assistance
- Childcare
- Financial resources
- Mental health and medical resources
- Housing assistance
- Support groups
- Community resource referrals
- Legal services
Eligibility: Open to kinship families who are not involved with foster care or child welfare
Website: http://www.kfan.org/family-programs/kinship-navigator-program/
Kentucky Kinship Resource Center
Locations Served: Statewide
- Short-term kinship navigation for caregivers identified for placement by the KY Cabinet for Health and Family Services (the child welfare agency)
- KY KINS 1:1 Peer Support Mentors
- KIN-VIP Caregiver Support Groups
- Kinship Catalogue of Online Trainings
- Eligibility: With the exception of short-term kinship navigation, all services are open to kinship families regardless of foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Website: https://socialwork.uky.edu/centers-labs/kentucky-kinship-resource-center/
Kinship Navigator
Locations Served: Statewide
- Support groups
- Resource brochures
- Information and referral to assistance programs
- 2-1-1 hotline
Eligibility: Open to kinship families regardless of foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Website: https://www.dcfs.louisiana.gov/page/kinship-navigator
Adoptive & Foster Families of Maine, Inc. & The Kinship Program
Locations Served: Statewide
- Information and referral to appropriate services
- Support with establishing and maintaining relationships between kinship caregivers and their formal supports
- Legal and resource guides
- 2-1-1 services
Eligibility: Open to kinship families regardless of foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Website: https://affm.net/support/the-kinship-program/
No information for a kinship navigator program. Services that may help:
Department of Human Services Kinship Care Resources
Locations Served: Statewide
- Financial supports
- Medical assistance
- School enrollment assistance
- Legal resources
- Mental health resources
Eligibility: Services target kinship caregivers who are not involved in foster care or child welfare
Website: https://dhs.maryland.gov/foster-care/kinship-care/
Kinship Navigator
Locations Served: Statewide
- Assistance with navigating services such as those offered by the Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA); the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC); and the Department of Children and Families (DCF)
- Assistance with connecting families to family resource centers
- Support groups
- Mental health and counseling
- Food and nutrition assistance
- Legal services
- Childcare
- Support for kinship caregivers who have a family member struggling with substance use
Eligibility: Open to kinship families regardless of foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Website: https://www.mass.gov/kinship-navigator
Michigan State University Kinship Care Resource Center
Locations Served: Statewide (available services vary by county)
- Information and referral
- Access to contact list of local supports across the state and a calendar with their meeting information
- Trainings
- Workshops and other events for kinship caregivers, service providers, policymakers, and researchers
- Respite care funds
Eligibility: Open to kinship families regardless of foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Website: https://kinship.msu.edu/
Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota Kinship Family Support Services
Locations Served: Statewide
- Legal resources
- Health resources
- Financial assistance resources
- Family circle conference trainings
- Warmline access
Eligibility: Open to kinship families regardless of foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Website: https://www.lssmn.org/services/families/kinship
Southern Mississippi Planning & Development District Kinship Navigator Program
Locations Served: Clarke, Covington, Forrest, George, Greene, Hancock, Harrison, Jackson, Jasper, Jefferson Davis, Jones, Kemper, Lamar, Lauderdale, Leake, Marion, Newton, Neshoba, Pearl River, Perry, Scott, Smith, Stone, and Wayne Counties
- Childcare resources
- Family support meetings/groups
- Educational guidance/support with issues
- TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) assistance
- Medicaid eligibility and services assistance
- Housing resources
- Legal services
- Trainings and workshops
- Medical, dental, and vision resources
Eligibility: Open to kinship families regardless of foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Website: http://smpdd.com/kinship-navigator-program/
Missouri reports two kinship navigator programs:
University of Missouri Parent Link Kinship Navigator Program
Locations Served: Statewide
- Ongoing problem-solving support
- Virtual and in-person informational and support opportunities
- Warm handoffs to vetted community resources
- Benefit application assistance, including help completing paperwork
- Connection to low or no-cost family mediation services
- Connection to the Missouri Child Support Program
- Distribution of essential items
- Assistance with securing basic needs and finding transportation
- Connection to mental and behavioral health resources
- Assistance with accessing developmental screenings for young children
Eligibility: Open to kinship families regardless of foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Website: https://education.missouri.edu/navigators/
The Central Missouri Foster Care & Adoption Kinship Navigators
Locations Served: 24 counties – see website
- Assistance navigating the child welfare, mental health, and education systems, including crisis intervention services; training and licensing assistance to relative care providers; and help accessing food, clothing, and other tangible resources
Eligibility: Open to kinship families regardless of foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Website: https://mofosteradopt.com/kinship-navigators/
Montana State University Kinship Navigator Program
Locations Served: Statewide
- Online support groups, resources, and education
- Information and referrals to services
- Access to a mental health hotline
Eligibility: Open to kinship families regardless of foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Website: https://msuextension.org/mtknp/index.html
Nebraska Children’s Home Society Kinship Navigator program
Locations Served: Statewide
- Legal support
- Financial support
- Emotional support
- Physical resources for kinship caregivers
Eligibility: Services target kinship caregivers who are not involved in foster care or child welfare
Website: https://kinship.nchs.org/
Lutheran Family Services KinCare
Locations Served: Dodge and Lancaster Counties
- AARP grandfamilies guide
- Education and training
Eligibility: Open to kinship families regardless of foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Website: https://www.onelfs.org/
Foster Kinship Navigator Program
Locations Served: Statewide
- Legal support
- Assistance accessing financial support
- Helpline access
- Assistance navigating resources
- Support groups
- Case management
- TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) information sessions
Eligibility: Open to kinship families regardless of foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Website: https://www.fosterkinship.org/kinship-navigator-program/(As of September 2024, this is one of six kinship navigator programs found by the Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse to have met one of its three evidentiary standards. This means the program can be federally reimbursed on an ongoing basis for 50 percent of its expenses.)
New Hampshire
New Hampshire Children’s Trust Kinship Navigation Program
Locations Served: Antrim, Berlin, Claremont, Concord, Conway, Derry, Dover, Gorham, Keene, Laconia, Manchester, Nashua, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Tilton, and Salem Counties
- Emotional support
- Education and guidance to relative caregivers
- Information and referral
- Follow-up services
Eligibility: Open to kinship families regardless of foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Website: https://www.nhchildrenstrust.org/kinship
New Jersey
Kinship Navigator Program
Locations Served: Statewide (available services vary by county)
- Referrals to grandparenting and family support groups and other services
- Help with medical coverage and services
- Child support collection assistance
- Housing assistance
- Help with legal services and fees
- Financial services and assistance
Eligibility: Open to kinship families who are not involved with foster care or child welfare
Website: https://www.nj.gov/dcf/families/support/kinship/
New Mexico
SHARE New Mexico Kinship Navigation
Locations Served: Bernalillo, Doña Ana, and Rio Arriba Counties (other counties may access services on a case-by-case basis)
- Resource directory
- Support groups
- Toll-free assistance from bilingual (English-Spanish) navigators
Eligibility: Open to kinship families regardless of foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Website: https://sharenm.org/kinship-navigation
New York
New York State Navigator
Locations Served: Statewide (services vary by county)
- Kinship resources, including legal assistance and aging services
- Youth programs and resources
- Virtual case management
- County-based resources
Eligibility: Open to kinship families regardless of foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Website: https://www.nysnavigator.org/
North Carolina
Children’s Home Society of North Carolina
Locations Served: Statewide
- “Caring for Our Own” training for becoming a kinship foster parent
- Connections to community resources
Eligibility: Limited to kinship families with foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Website: https://www.chsnc.org/kinship-navigation/
North Dakota
Kinship ND
Locations Served: Statewide
- One on one support
- Assistance with resources and information based on needs
- Limited financial support
Eligibility: Open to kinship families regardless of foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Website: https://kinshipnd.com/
Ohio reports two kinship navigator programs:
Kinship and Adoption Navigator (OhioKAN)
Locations Served: Statewide
- Support with Kinship Permanency Incentive Program (KPIP); Kinship Caregiver Program (KCP); Post Adoption Special Services Subsidy (PASSS) Program; State Adoption Maintenance Subsidy (SAMS); Adoption Assistance (AA); Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC); Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF); and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits
- Subsidized childcare
- Information and referral to local community resources
Eligibility: Open to kinship families regardless of foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Website: https://ohiokan.jfs.ohio.gov/
Ohio’s Kinship Supports Intervention/ProtectOHIO
Locations Served: Statewide
- Individualized kinship caregiver support plan for each caregiver
- Plan focuses on case management activities and may address topics such as financial assistance, referral services, and training
- Intervention includes monthly home visit services with a kinship coordinator
Eligibility: Limited to kinship families with foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Website: https://preventionservices.acf.hhs.gov/programs/319/show (As of September 2024, this is one of six kinship navigator programs found by the Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse to have met its evidentiary standards. This means the program can be federally reimbursed on an ongoing basis for 50 percent of its expenses.)
Northcare Family KINnections Kinship Resources
Locations Served: Oklahoma County
- Resource distribution
- Community events
- Case management
- Referrals
- Educational services
- Home-based support
- Crisis helpline connection
Eligibility: Limited to kinship families with foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Website: https://familykinnections.org/
Kinship Navigator
Locations Served: Statewide (available services vary by region)
- Legal assistance
- Access to services
- Tangible resource support
- Educational and technology support
- Extracurricular activities
- Resource guides
- Support groups
Eligibility: Open to kinship families regardless of foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Website: https://oregonkinshipnavigator.org/
Locations Served: Statewide
- 2-1-1 services
- Information and referral
- Follow-up services
- Virtual library of resources
- Trainings
Eligibility: Open to kinship families regardless of foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Website: https://www.kinconnector.org/
Puerto Rico
No information for a kinship navigator program. Services that may help:
Programa de Apoyo y Orientación para Abuelos y Abuelas en la Crianza de los Nietos
Locations Served: Island-wide
- Support and counseling
- Coordination of services in the areas of physical health, mental health, education, early interventions, economic assistance, and legal assistance
Eligibility: Open to kinship families regardless of foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Contact Information: Call the program by dialing (787) 977-8022 (metro) / (888) 359-7777 (island).
Rhode Island
No information for a kinship navigator program. Services that may help:
Grands Flourish Inc. Foster & Kinship Care Resources
Locations Served: Statewide
- Virtual workshops
- Mentorship programs
- Legal resources
- Foster and kinship care resources
- Wellness and safety resources for both the caregiver and child
Eligibility: Open to kinship families regardless of foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Website: https://grandsflourish.org/
South Carolina
Locations Served: Statewide
- Healthcare resources
- Legal supports and resources
- Information and referral to community resources
Eligibility: Open to kinship families regardless of foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Website: https://www.kinshipsc.org/
South Dakota
No information for a kinship navigator program.
Relative Caregiver Program
Locations Served: Statewide (available services vary by region)
- Short-term case management
- Youth/teen activity groups
- Emergency one-time financial or startup assistance
- Educational workshops, information, and referrals
- Respite and enrichment
- Caregiver support groups
- Material assistance
Eligibility: Open to kinship families regardless of foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Website: https://www.kidcentraltn.com/support/full-family-support/relative-caregiver-program.html
Texas’s Department of Family and Protective Services is piloting kinship navigator programs in limited sites. Services and locations vary.
Website: https://www.dfps.state.tx.us/Child_Protection/Kinship_Care/default.asp
Children’s Service Society of Utah Grandfamilies & Kinship Care
Locations Served: Statewide
- Crisis intervention
- Adult educational support programs
- Children’s support programs
- Links to community resources
- Drug and alcohol prevention services for children
Eligibility: Open to kinship families regardless of foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Website: https://cssutah.org/services/kinship-care/
Vermont Kin as Parents Navigator Program
Locations Served: Statewide
- Educational opportunities
- Resources
- Referrals
- Financial assistance
- Support groups
Eligibility: Open to kinship families regardless of foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Website: https://www.vkap.org/
Virgin Islands
No information for a kinship navigator program. Services that may help:
U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Human Services
Locations Served: Island-wide
- Family assistance programs
- Childcare and regulatory services
- Intake and emergency services
Eligibility: Depends on service and program
Website: http://dhs.gov.vi
Virginia is piloting six kinship navigator programs around the state.
Family First Virginia Kinship Navigator Programs
Locations Served: Alexandria, Amherst, Appomattox, Arlington, Bedford, Bland, Bristol, Buchanan, Campbell, Carroll, Chesapeake, Dickenson, Fairfax, Galax, Giles, Grayson, James City, Lee, Loudoun, Lynchburg, Montgomery, Nelson, Norfolk, Norton, Portsmouth, Prince William, Pulaski, Radford, Russell, Scott, Smyth, Suffolk, Tazewell, Virginia Beach, Washington, Williamsburg, Wise, Wythe, and York-Poquoson Counties
- Housing support
- Benefit application assistance
- Physical and dental health services
- School information
- 2-1-1 information, toll-free hotline
Eligibility: Open to kinship families regardless of foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Website: https://familyfirstvirginia.com/prevserv/kinship_nav.html
Washington State Kinship Navigator Program
Locations Served: Statewide (available services vary by county) and specific Tribal Kinship Navigators for Lummi Nation, Samish Indian Nation, Port Gamble S’Klallam, Yakama Nation, Confederated Tribes of Colville Reservation, Quileute Tribe, Makah Tribe
- Support groups
- Healthcare resources
- Information and referral to benefits and services
- Legal services
- Kinship reference guide
Eligibility: Open to kinship families regardless of foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Website: https://www.dshs.wa.gov/altsa/kinship-care-support-services?field_counties_value=All&field_kinship_care_resource_type_value=Kinship+Navigators&field_city_value=All(As of September 2024, this is one of six kinship navigator programs found by the Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse to have met one of its three evidentiary standards. This means the program can be federally reimbursed on an ongoing basis for 50 percent of its expenses.)
West Virginia
Mission West Virginia Kinship Navigator
Locations Served: Statewide
- Needs assessments
- Information and referral to community resources
- Child Protective Services/Court/Homestudy process guidance
- Assistance applying for resources and benefits
Eligibility: Limited to Child Protective Services (CPS)-involved kinship families during the first 90 days of placement
Website: https://www.missionwv.org/kinship-navigators
Kinship Navigator
Locations Served: Statewide
- Child support resources
- Childcare options
- Education resources
- Healthcare coverage assistance and resources
- Legal resources
- Permanency options
Eligibility: Open to kinship families regardless of foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Website: https://dcf.wisconsin.gov/kinship/navigator
Kinship Connections of Wyoming
Locations Served: Statewide
- Permanency option services
- Legal services, education, and academic services
- Public benefit application assistance
- Information and referral to community resources
Eligibility: Open to kinship families regardless of foster care or child welfare agency involvement
Website: https://kcowyo.org/navigator-services
Tribal Kinship Navigator Programs
Eleven tribes receive federal funding support under Title IV-B of the Social Security Act:
Aleut Community of St. Paul Island – Aleut Community of Saint Paul Island – Tribal Government –
Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma – Cherokee Nation Home::Cherokee Nation Website
Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians – Eastern Band of Cherokee – Official Government Website (ebci.com)
Keweenaw Bay Indian Community – Home :: Keweenaw Bay Indian Community (kbic-nsn.gov)
Mashpee Wampanoag Nation – Child Family Services — Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe (mashpeewampanoagtribe-nsn.gov)
Navajo Nation – Home (navajo-nsn.gov)
Pascua Yaqui Tribe – Home – Pascua Yaqui Tribe (pascuayaqui-nsn.gov)
Penobscot Nation – Penobscot Nation | Departments & Info | Indian Island, Maine
Port Gamble S’Kllalam – Child & Family Services | Port Gamble SKlallam Tribe (pgst.nsn.us)Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe | DSHS (wa.gov)GRANDFACTS: Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribal Fact Sheet for Kinship/Grandfamilies (gksnetwork.org)
Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community – Home – SRPMIC (srpmic-nsn.gov)
Tolowa Dee Ni’ Nation – Tolowa Dee-Ni’ Nation, CA | Official Website (tolowa-nsn.gov)
To point out any errors or omissions in any of the information above, please reach out to info@GKSNetwork.org
We will make all appropriate corrections.