Kinship Care in Oklahoma
Presented at the Regional Convening of the Grandfamilies & Kinship Support Network: A National Technical Assistance Center on May 17, 2022. Presented by Lindsey Jones, Foster…
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Showing 111–120 of 149 results
Presented at the Regional Convening of the Grandfamilies & Kinship Support Network: A National Technical Assistance Center on May 17, 2022. Presented by Lindsey Jones, Foster…
Presented at the Tribal Convening of the Grandfamilies & Kinship Support Network: A National Technical Assistance Center on June 7, 2022. Presented by Cheryl Miller, Director,…
Many people are unfamiliar with the terms “grandfamilies” and “kinship families,” including some that already serve in those roles. Deborah Willett, a member of Generations…
Dr. Joseph Crumbley provides a framework describing the unique family dynamics of kinship families and how to use it effectively to support families.
Meet Rosalie Tallbull, a grandmother who shows what perseverance means when it comes to helping her grandson thrive.
Meet grandfather Keith Lowhorne, who explains the value of peer support in helping his grandson and granddaughter thrive.
Meet Santana Lee, a GRAND Voice who shows us that love and consistency can go a long way in helping her cousins thrive.
This report was produced by USAging and the Scripps Gerontology Center at Miami University, and it includes findings from the beginning of the pandemic as…
This report was produced by USAging and the Scripps Gerontology Center at Miami University, and it includes findings on services, budgets, staffing, and new programs…
In this webinar, Dr. Joseph Crumbley highlights successful shared/co-parenting strategies in kinship families.