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Showing 141–150 of 151 results
Kinship Navigation in Wyoming and Montana
Kinship Navigator Programs in Wyoming and Montana Presented at the Regional Convening of the Grandfamilies & Kinship Support Network: A National Technical Assistance Center on…
Kinship Navigation in Nevada
FosterKinship – A Kinship Navigator Program in Nevada Presented at the Regional Convening of the Grandfamilies & Kinship Support Network: A National Technical Assistance Center…
Use of McKinney Vento Act for Children Raised in Kinship & Grandfamilies
Federal McKinney Vento Act & Kinship Care Presented at the Regional Convening of the Grandfamilies & Kinship Support Network: A National Technical Assistance Center on…
Kinship Navigation in Washington
Kinship Navigator Program in Washington Presented at the Regional Convening of the Grandfamilies & Kinship Support Network: A National Technical Assistance Center on May 3,…
Grandfamilies Housing
This resource consists of slides from a presentation on Bridge Meadows, a grandfamilies housing program in Oregon. Executive Director Dr. Derenda Schubert presented at the…
A Guide to Compliance with the Indian Child Welfare Act
The Indian Child Welfare Act helps American Indian and Alaska Native children remain connected to their families, cultures, and communities.
Cultural Connectedness and Indigenous Youth Well-Being
Traditional wisdom of Indigenous communities has long reflected that feelings of being connected to one another, nature, and culture are an important part of well-being.
Tribal Best Practices for Family Engagement
Learn about a basic framework that can be used when a community or organization is envisioning, conceptualizing, and implementing a family engagement strategy.
Aging Innovations and Achievement
Meet an Area Agency on Aging & Disability being recognized for their respite tutoring services.