Kinship Navigator Program - Area Office on Aging of Northwestern Ohio (AOoA)
The Area Office on Aging of Northwestern Ohio, Inc. has a Kinship Navigator Program that helps grandparents and relatives.
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Showing all 15 results
The Area Office on Aging of Northwestern Ohio, Inc. has a Kinship Navigator Program that helps grandparents and relatives.
High Country Caregivers (HCC) was founded in 2006 and has quickly become a leading organization in western North Carolina that addresses the growing population of kin caregivers raising children.
The Kinship Care Project at Atlanta Legal Aid Society, Inc. provides free legal representation to eligible grandparents and other kin caregivers in the five-county metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia area.
Children's Service Society of Utah (CSS) is home to GRANDfamilies Kinship Care, the only kinship-serving program in the state.
Learn how the Network is identifying exemplary policies, practices, and programs that are helping kinship/grandfamilies.